What Are Aquaponics Systems?

Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines aquaculture (raising fish) with hydroponics (growing plants without soil). This system recirculates nutrient-rich water from the fish tanks to the plants providing them with all the nutrients they need to grow, while also filtering the water for the fish to live in. Through this symbiotic relationship, the fish and plants both benefit.
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the different components of an aquaponics system and discuss the many advantages that it provides:
Definition of Aquaponics
Aquaponics is an integrated system of aquaculture (raising fish) and hydroponics (growing plants in water) in which nutrients from the trout waste and other sources are recycled to fertilize plants for use as food. Aquaponics mimics nature’s most efficient cycle – fish waste is used as a natural fertilizer to grow vegetables in water.
Aquaponic systems require only 10% of the normal water usage used in traditional gardening techniques, making it more sustainable than traditional farming methods. Aquaponic systems are also self-sufficient due to their filtration capabilities and biomass production which eliminate the need for chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
Fish provide protein while the vegetables provide vitamins, minerals, fiber and other essential nutrients that humans need for healthy living. This type of farming also promotes biodiversity by introducing new species into existing ecosystems. The combination of aquaculture and hydroponics provides both a food source for humans as well as a habitat for different aquatic species, both of which help support each other within the entire system.
Benefits of Aquaponics
Aquaponics systems are a sustainable combination of aquaculture (raising fish) and hydroponics (growing plants without soil). This symbiotic system has many advantages, such as the elimination of toxic runoff, improving water quality and promoting growth of plants and animals. It also offers numerous environmental, economic, and health benefits.
Let’s take a look at the many advantages of aquaponics systems:
Low Maintenance
Aquaponics systems require much less maintenance and energy than soil-based gardens, making them the ideal choice for busy people who have limited space for gardening. Aquaponic systems typically require about one-tenth of the amount of water needed for traditional soil-based operations. There is also no need to till or aerate the soil because fish and plants rely on each other to survive, creating a balanced ecosystem.
Nutrients are supplied directly to plants via the water which eliminates the need for weeding and soil preparation. As well, aquaponic systems are generally easier to care for compared to a soil garden in that an individual only needs to check pH levels (typically once a week) and replenish fish food (about twice a month). In comparison, humans must tend to a traditional garden more frequently by fertilizing, watering, weeding, pruning and replenishing nutrients in the soil – all of which take considerable time and effort.
Overall, aquaponic system gardening requires very little energy input over time as there is no weeding or purchasing of fertilizers needed. This low-energy output makes it an eco-friendly system that yields consistent results over time with minimal effort – perfect for small spaces and tight budgets!
High Yields
Aquaponic systems are incredibly efficient and generate high yields with minimal water or inputs. Plants grown in aquaponic systems can yield anywhere from 3 to 10 times more than those grown in traditional soil-based methods. This is achieved by optimizing the water, oxygen and nutrients that are provided to the plants for growth. The combination of fish waste and bacteria naturally fertilizer the plants, eliminating the need for man-made fertilizers that can be damaging to the environment.
Additionally, since no tilling or cultivating of land is required, planting cycles are greatly accelerated. This greatly reduces labor costs associated with soil based techniques and ensures a steady supply of produce throughout the year. Furthermore, aquaponic systems require considerably less space to produce comparable yields. All these factors provide huge economic benefits for farmers and growers who adopt this method of farming.
Water and Energy Efficient
Aquaponics systems offer many environmental benefits over traditional agricultural practices. Firstly, an aquaponics system uses significantly less water than conventional methods. This is because the water is continually circulated within the system, and there is no need to flush out soil and contaminants from this closed-loop system as would be done in a conventional soil-based garden.
In addition to saving water, aquaponics systems are more energy efficient than traditional farming methods. This occurs because the waste produced by aquatic life is used as nutrients for plants, eliminating the need for many synthetic fertilizers used in traditional farming which requires large amounts of energy to create and transport. Furthermore, fewer pests are present due to the closed-loop nature of the system. This eliminates or reduces the need for chemical pesticides which require additional energy in production and transport costs.
As aquaponic systems use significantly less energy compared with other food production processes, they are more ecologically friendly and can be sustainably managed with minimal environmental impact.
Types of Aquaponics Systems
Aquaponics systems are a type of self-sustaining, closed-loop system that allows for the production of fish and plants in a single ecosystem. There are several different types of aquaponics systems available, ranging from small-scale personal systems to large-scale commercial operations.
In this article, we will explore the different types of aquaponics systems and discuss their pros and cons:
Media-Based Systems
Media-Based systems are the most popular type of aquaponics system, utilizing a media such as gravel, compressed clay pellets, expanded clay beads, or other medium to contain the root structure of the plants. Most commonly preferred media for aquaponics is expanded clay pebbles, often referred to as ‘grow rocks’. This type of system does not require an additional water pump since it utilizes gravity to bring the nutrient-rich fish water from the fish tank up to and through the media bed. Plants that grow best in this type of system typically have a large main root structure (taproot) rather than shallow roots like lettuce or spinach.
Other types of media that grow crops in gravity-fed systems include melon pebbles and BioBalls®. These aquatic growing mediums provide homes for beneficial bacteria which performs important biochemical functions such as ammonia conversion used by plants. They also absorb free ammonia released from decaying organic matter; they also release beneficial minerals into solution which are available for uptake by plants.
These types of systems are cost efficient and energy efficient because no pumps are needed to move water throughout the entire system; instead, it is simply pushed through with only the force of gravity. They are also very easy to clean because they involve limited piping and equipment other than the filter components and possible carbon filter if one is used in tandem with an aeration device such as an air stone or aquarium bubbler. Media-Based systems are great for growers that want a simple system operation with easier troubleshooting when something goes wrong.
Deep Water Culture Systems
Deep water culture systems, also known as raft or float systems, are another common type of aquaponics system. In these systems, the plants’ roots are suspended in constantly circulating and oxygenated water that contains the nitrified waste products from the fish. The use of an airlift pump to move water and provide aeration for both fish and plants is commonplace in these systems. Additionally, with deep water cultures the potential for an increase in dissolved oxygen in the root zone occurs from both air bubbles from the airlift pump as well as passively from photosynthesis when light is provided to submerged macrophytes like duckweed and Chinese water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica).
These types of aquaponics systems can use a range of different containers including PVC pipes and floating troughs. Plants grow without needing media because their root zone is constantly being agitated by moving water. A particular advantage of this system is that it uses less daily energy inputs than other types of aquaponics setup due to its ability to utilize passive inputs such as sunlight or gravity-flow sources.
Nutrient Film Technique Systems
Nutrient Film Technique Systems (NFT) systems are a type of aquaponics system that recycles water to grow plants via a recirculating loop. In NFT, the water is kept in a shallow stream and flows over the roots of the plants. The stream of water is usually circulated through piping around the plant beds. The plant roots receive oxygen as they come into contact with the moving water, and their nutrient content is replenished by the fish waste derived from nutrient-rich water in an alternating cycle.
The main advantage of an NFT system is that it conserves resources, as it meets all of your garden’s needs without a lot of effort or input materials. Additionally, NFT systems require less labor than other types of aquaponic setups, since pumps and timers can be programmed to maintain consistent circulation with minimal work on behalf of the gardener.
However, this type of system has some downsides – including its cost and complexity, and in some cases there may be challenges related to regulating temperature, light levels or humidity to create optimum growth conditions for your plants.
Components of an Aquaponics System
Aquaponics systems are unique, innovative, and efficient hydroponic systems that use bacteria and fish to produce plants in a symbiotic relationship. Aquaponics systems are composed of a few key components that work together for a successful system.
In this article, we’ll take a look at the components necessary for a successful aquaponics system:
Fish Tank
A fish tank is a key element in any aquaponics system, providing the inhabitants for the water-based environment and the source of ammonia-rich waste. The water from the fish tank is re-circulated to the plants, supplying nutrients and a food source as it passes through each component of the system.
The type and size of fish tank depends on the number of species you plan to cultivate; larger tanks are coupled with larger systems while smaller systems are better suited to tanks that contain only one species. Before setting up an aquaponics system, research what kind of fish tank you need for your chosen species’ lifestyle, as certain factors such as temperature and pH can have a direct impact upon their health. Specialized tanks may also need additional supplies such as filters and pumps.
Grow Bed
A grow bed is an essential component of any aquaponics system. It is usually a separate tank, usually made of plastic, which contains the plants that will be grown. The grow bed can be either rectangular or round and it features a perforated floor where water from the fish tank is pumped to feed the plants. This might be flat for growing plants on the surface or raised up above ground level for deeper root systems.
Depending on what types of plants are being grown, additional filtration may be necessary to keep the plant tank clean and healthy. The size and design of the grow bed should be determined according to the type of fish being kept and how large a crop you plan to produce. Your local hydroponics store can tell you what type and size is most appropriate for your aquaponic system. Grow beds come in several sizes – from tiny systems that could fit in your home office corner to larger commercial-size operations.
Water Pump
A water pump is one of the essential components of an aquaponics system. The purpose of the pump is to transfer water between different tanks and provide oxygen to the fish. Depending on the size and complexity of the system, you may need a larger pump that can handle more water pressure, but most systems will require a reliable submersible or inline water pump.
Another important factor to consider when choosing a water pump is its capability of handling different levels of dissolved oxygen and ph levels in the tank. Aquaponics systems involve dedicating specific varieties of fish which prefer certain temperature, ph and oxygen levels in order for them to thrive, so maintain these conditions in your tanks with a strong and adjustable water pump.
When shopping for pumps, consider:
- efficiency
- how powerful it needs to be based on the size of your system
- what type of pumps are compatible with your set-up – some models can be powered by electricity while others require manual effort
- noise level – loud water pumps can ruin an otherwise tranquil atmosphere and adversely affect your fish’s health
- durability – make sure you purchase a model that will stand up to constant use without failing or draining too quickly!
Grow Lights
Grow lights are a necessary component of an aquaponics system if you do not have adequate sunlight, or where growing season is limited due to extreme outdoor temperature. With efficient lighting, growers can extend the growing season for both fish and plants in an aquaponics system, promote healthy growth and create an environment that maximizes plant size and flowering potential.
Most systems use High Intensity Discharge (HID) lighting systems, including Metal Halide or High Pressure Sodium lamps; however, Fluorescent lights may also be used depending upon the species of plant that is being grown. Light intensity and duration should be carefully monitored to ensure maximum results using minimal energy costs.
How to Build an Aquaponics System
Aquaponics systems are an efficient and sustainable way to grow food. It uses a combination of fish and plants to produce organic produce. It can be built in almost any size, from small-scale systems for home gardens, to large-scale commercial operations.
Building an aquaponics system is relatively simple and in this article, we’ll go over how to do so:
Select a Location

Selecting the right location for your aquaponics system is a key factor in achieving successful growth of plants and fish. It is important to consider the amount of sunlight, water table level, and environmental conditions like temperature, humidity and prevailing winds that would affect the system.
Ideally, you will want to select a location for your aquaponics system that offers plenty of sun but is not exposed to strong winds or high temperature extremes. The area should also have access to a power source to operate pumps, aerators and lights in the system if needed. You may also want to keep your fish from being over-exposed to sunlight or too warm temperatures since too much sun or warm temperatures can harm small aquatic animals.
When selecting a water source for your aquaponics system, it is important to make sure that it does not contain any harmful chemicals such as pesticides or nitrates as these could poison your plants and fish. Additionally, if you plan on using an existing body of water (like a pond or lake), be sure to check with local regulations first as some areas do not permit changes in water levels without permission from local authorities. A point source like rain barrels can reduce maintenance while providing clean and safe water for the system components.
Finally, you may want to plan ahead by allowing space around the aquaponics system for maintenance activity like filters cleaning and lighting replacement without having to move heavy furniture around repeatedly. This will help ensure that your aquaponics project stays up-and-running without any costly disruptions or hindrances due to insufficient workspace or access issues around the aquariums and tanks.
Select a System Type
Aquaponics systems come in a variety of types and sizes, so it is important to select the right size and type for your needs. There are three main types of aquaponics systems; media-filled beds, NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) channels, and deep water culture.
Media-filled beds are the most common type of aquaponic system because they are relatively easy to maintain and work well with a wide range of plants. These systems are constructed with containers or beds filled with a supportive medium like gravel, adjusted clay or expanded shale. Water is pumped into these containers where it is filtered through the medium as nutrients from the fish water reach the plants’ roots.
NFT channels provide another basic platform for aquaponics system design but offer many structural variations from media-filled beds; this includes exposing plant roots directly to oxygenated moving water flow on top of long shallow channels instead of being contained in individual growing containers. In these systems, there is a separate tank for the fish which pumps nutrient-rich water through exposed piping onto the channel surface where it flows over thinly spaced net pots that contain bulkier growing media like hydroton balls. The roots can breathe directly through this bulkier material and absorb dissolved nutrients as it moves through its journey along the channel before finding its way back into another tank where it can be used again by other plants or redistributed throughout the system again.
The final type is deep water culture (DWC). In Deep Water Culture systems, plant roots grow suspended directly in an aerated fish tank with no soil or growing container needed; this allows them direct access to high levels of oxygen and nutrients coming from fish waste at optimum root growth temperature providing them optimal conditions for vegetative growth phases! This type of system reduces complexity compared to other types since most components can be purchased off-the-shelf making setup less labor intensive than custom build solutions but requires more monitoring during operation due to its lack of flexibility during seasonal changes like cooler temperatures when optimal growth rates may suffer due to lower oxygen levels in colder water temperatures limiting plant uptake capabilities during cold spells!
Select Components
Once you have a plan in place, it’s time to collect the necessary components to build your aquaponics system. Here’s an overview of the items necessary to build your aquaponics system:
- Fish Tank – The size and shape you choose will depend upon your budget, space, and personal preference. Be sure to purchase an appropriately sized tank and make sure that any filtration system that you use is powerful enough for the size of tank that you choose.
- Grow Bed – This is the main component of an aquaponic system as it is responsible for housing the plants and acting as a filter for water from the fish tank. Select this based on what type of plants you intend on growing, its size compared to your fish tank, and how much space it requires.
- Pump – A pump is needed for water circulation in an aquaponics system as continuously circulated water ensures healthy plant growth.
- Grow Media – Depending on what type of grow bed you are using (deep water culture or media filled), there are specific types of grow media (such as Hydroton) available which will help support healthy plant growth through adequate nutrient uptake into their roots.
- Air Stones & Aerator – An air stone or aerator are necessary components in order to provide oxygenation within your aquaponic system. Without proper levels of oxygenated water, both fish and plants can quickly succumb to health issues which could spell disaster for your entire ecosystem!
- Siphon / Bell & Drainage System – These components assist in maintaining a balance between the fish tank and grow bed by filtering out solids from one bed into another while keeping everything else balanced within the larger ecosystem.
Assemble and Install Components
Assemble the appropriate components for your aquaponics system based on the type and design you have chosen. Even if you are using plans that are available online, always double-check to ensure that all components are of suitable quality and compatible before you move on to assembly. To help with compatibility issues, some parts-kit retailers provide pre-assembled aquaponics systems complete with instructions specific to the individual kit components.
When assembling parts, use rubber washers on plastic or hard piping joints so that they remain airtight and watertight. Make sure any threaded fittings are greased before they are screwed into place, as this will make them easier to install now and even easier to remove when it comes time for maintenance or changing components later.
In cases where materials such as buckets, tanks or pipes must be connected together, a schedule 40 solvent cement can provide a secure fit without any leaks or seepage problems. Once all of your parts have been assembled properly in accordance with manufacturer specifications and local building codes (where applicable), it’s time to install your aquaponic system in its permanent home — indoors or outdoors!
Set Up the System and Add Fish
Once you have assembled supplies and materials for your aquaponics system, it is time to set up your tank and system. Before adding any fish, set up all of the important components first. These include the grow beds or tanks for the plants, water pumps or air pumps for oxygenating the water, filtration systems to clean the water, and plumbing lines to transport nutrient-rich water from one component to another.
Next, add your fish. Introduce the fish into their new aquarium slowly and make sure they are comfortable in their new home before adding any more. The type of fish you select will vary depending on what size tank you have built as different species can require larger or smaller tanks depending on their size and life cycle length. In general, small freshwater tropical fish like guppies or goldfish are best in aquaponic tanks as they produce abundant waste that can provide nutrients to plants without producing an excess that overwhelms filter systems. Plus these types of fish are also easy to find both at pet shops and online retailers.
Once your tank is full with fish and other aquatic life such as pond snails or frogs, it’s time to add grow media such as gravel or volcanic rock into the empty grow beds so your plants can root in it while still allowing proper drainage. This should be done at the same time you introduce your chosen seedlings so they take hold quicker.